That Big "Vacancy" Sign
It's a welcome thing if you're traveling a lonely highway late at night, eyelids drifting south. But the kind of vacancies corporate and residential landlords are facing as the economy slows to a crawl are less welcome.

US Census Bureau statistics show that 1 in every 35 homes in the US stands vacant, the highest recorded vacancy rate in history. The rental market is fairly strong, but Americans still seem reluctant to buy new homes in the continuing economic fallout of the mortgage loan crisis.
Commercial real estate faces a similar situation. New London, Connecticut, is facing a one-third vacancy rate among downtown storefronts (source: Nationally, the suburban office vacancy rate is around 14 percent, which makes the 11 percent vacancy rate here in the Puget Sound region (source: sound pretty rosy.
Labels: home ownership, real estate, rentals, vacancies, vacancy rates
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