The View from Above
Whether you're shopping for a new home in Thurston County, or are simply curious about your own property, Thurston GeoData Center ( provides a birds-eye view. Once you've located your parcel, searching by address, parcel number, or section, you can refine the view to show any number of features, including property lines, aerial photos, water features (including wetlands), roads, easements, zoning, and more.

Here's a small excerpt of the 2003 aerial photo of our office (highlighted in red), with parcel boundaries.
A word of caution: GeoData is one of those free online tools that can become downright addictive, as you look up your property, then your relatives and neighbors, then your office, then ...
On the plus side, it's free and internet based, so unlike Google Earth, you won't have to download a program (and have 400MB free on your hard drive!).
Happy exploring!
Labels: prudential, real estate
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